Order Resale Certificate

Do you need a Resale Package or a Condo Questionnaire for a home in one of the Home Owner Associations we manage? We provide title companies and lenders with the necessary documents for a property sale or refinancing. Please use this form to request the certificate you need. As soon as you submit the required information and payment, we’ll process your request right away!
Step 1.  Select which item you wish to receive: for multiple items, please submit separate forms.


Step 2.   Complete the form on this page and submit it.


Step 3.  We’ll send an invoice to the email address you provide in the form. 


Step 4.  Once we have received payment, we will begin processing your request. 

"*" indicates required fields

I wish to receive:*
This information will alert us to the amount of time we should expect to wait to receive payment. Thank you.
Your Information
Name of person who should receive invoice and documents in your company.
Email where invoice and documents should be sent.
NOT REQUIRED: Use only if a different person is to pay invoice.
Buyer Information*
Buyer Information*

Transaction Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Property Address*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Reminder: we will not begin to process your order until payment is received.

Should you wish to pay by check, please identify the payment with the company and name you used in the form submission and mail to:

Proper HOA Management
P.O. Box 831727
Richardson, TX 75083